Student Blogs

Generic Billy Madison “Back to School” Blog Post

January 25th, 2011 tjcull14

Not only Billy made his way back to school, but all HC Crusaders

“Back to school, back to school, to prove to dad I am not a fool…”

In case you haven’t seen one of the greatest, inspirational movies of our generation, consider yourself behind the 8 ball when it comes to witnessing hilarious comedies.

“Back to School” Facebook statuses have been clogging my newsfeed and nearly working the “like” button to death ever since my friends from Rhode Island started going back to their respective colleges 2 weeks ago. Holy Cross  was one of the later schools to return for the second semester so I got to see my fair share of these statuses and I knew that I didn’t want to succumb to them.

Instead, I’ll blog about my return to school.

It not only feels good to back to HC but also right. Once I left home for my first semester of college I felt like Holy Cross became my new home, instead of the one I had lived in for the past 7 years of my life (I moved to RI in 6th grade). To me, that is the way it should be. Your parents raise you to go to college and get an education so you can later be successful in life. Once I left for school I turned the clichéd page of my life and began to start new things. Living at home was now in the past and attending Holy Cross became the present.

So when I returned back to school it felt like I was coming back home. Whether it was waiting in tedious lines in the dining hall, taking showers with flip flops on, or admiring the plethora of Poland Springs water bottles our room always has I knew things were back to normal. In all honesty though, I felt more like I was back in my routine that I had been accustomed to since August 28th.

So mom, don’t get me wrong I love coming home and getting fed, but Holy Cross is my new home, and it feels great to be here.

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