Student Blogs

Snow Day

February 1st, 2011 tjcull14

Similar to the 2000 movie, I had my own today. Waking up at college isn’t as fun as waking up in high school. On any potential snow day in high school, one would sprint downstairs to watch the news and see if  their school was cancelled for the day. Instead, at college, you’re constantly refreshing your email to see if your teachers canceled class for the day.

Fortunately, my Montserrat class was canceled and I was left with a day all to my own. However, unfortunately, my Montserrat class was my only class today, so I’ll have 3 of my other classes tomorrow unless…

Another snow day.

Supposedly Worcester is supposed to get blasted with snow tonight and all through tomorrow. Can you imagine some of the things I could do on an another snow day assuming that I finish all of my work tonight?…

I could build a snowman: Who doesn’t like snowmen? I could use my big box of Goldfish to supply the mouth and nose, and then use my Oreos for the eyes. But wait, no it’s nearly impossible to build a snowman on a hill, and I’m sure administration wouldn’t like an awkward snowman on the Fenwick lawn.

I could go sledding: Back in my day I was known to shred hills like they were the 2010-2011 Cleveland Cavalier defense. Oh wait, never mind. I didn’t bring a sled to school, you’re not allowed to steal Kimball trays and I’m not sure if my roommate would approve of me using him as a sled.

I could make snow cones: My other roommate just brought back a huge jug of Hawaiian Punch that would be a prime ingredient for snow cones, and if Worcester is really getting slammed with snow, then there wouldn’t be a shortage of snow to use. But wait, no I can’t steal my roommates Hawaiian Punch, plus I’d look like quite the dork trolling around the sides of building scooping fresh snow and pouring red juice all over it.

Well, I guess none of these fantasies will be fulfilled, I guess I’m not in high school anymore with a whole backyard of snow and an imagination full of fun…

So if another snow day hits and I finish all my work tonight, I guess I’m stuck refreshing my Facebook page and doing laundry all day.

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